Psychotherapy for public speaking

Do you clam up when it comes to talking in front of people?  Do your nerves prevent you from thinking clearly and acting confidently when you need to?  Would you be more successful if you were able to be more relaxed and confident?

Stage fright and examination nerves are examples of stress reactions.  Stress can help us to perform at our best but too much of it prevents us from thinking or communicating clearly.  These reactions can be a phobic type response to very specific triggers or be an example of a more general fear of being ‘seen’ or judged.  For some they may even be protecting from the unwanted consequences of being successful.

Working effectively with these issues requires more than just covering them up by acting confident – this could come across as a flimsy arrogance and may break down after a while.  True mastery will allow you to accept yourself and open up to others.  What used to feel stressful can then be an exciting opportunity to help others understand your point of view, to invite them to change their minds, to be inspired by your passion, and to be motivated to take action.

Blurb for search engine optimisation: if public speaking is an issue then the techniques of nlp in east london can take the edge off it.  To really get to the roots of examination nerves a combination of psychotherapy in east london and hypnotherapy in east london may be able to provide the answers you have been looking for.  Before long you may even be enjoying communicating your ideas.

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